Saturday, September 7, 2013

Home Command Center

 Last post I showed off our newly-organized Homeschool Corner, and I promised to talk a little bit about our Home Command Center wall. First of all... what IS a "Home Command Center?" Generally speaking, it's a place where you can keep track of schedules and daily business.  Some Command Centers are fairly elaborate, with in-and-out boxes for mail, places to hang backbacks, bulletin boards, calendars, key hooks and more. We keep ours fairly simple and streamlined, because that's what works in our space and in our lives. Our Command Center is located in our kitchen, in our homeschool corner, but other good places to put your Command Center could be a by the front door, in a mud room or hallway... pretty much anyplace where your family will be able to refer to it often as they come and go through their daily routines. Here's a detailed look at our Home Command Center:

The most important feature of our Command Center is our calendar. We use a dry erase calendar, so we can easily make changes as plans change, and we like to color-code our calendar, to make it easy to see, at a glance, what's happening each day. We keep our collection of colored dry-erase markers in a basket on the wall next to the calendar, so they're within easy reach when we need to write something down.

Another really important part of our command center is our magnetic chalk board. This holds our weekly menus,  and we use it to jot down things we need to remember to pick up at the grocery store. We keep some chalk in the basket along with the calendar markers.

Along the bottom, we have clip boards for the kids' lists of daily chores and responsibilities. We have the lists in plastic sleeves, so if they want to they can check things off their lists with a dry erase marker. The next day, we wipe it clean so they can start again.

Other items on our Command Center wall are a clock, some inspirational art, and... our Family Rules:

I'm pretty happy with how this wall is functioning for us, though, like anything else in our home, I may end up "tweaking" it from time to time as our needs change.

Next post... I will be sharing photos of the rest of our newly-renovated kitchen!

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