Monday, March 3, 2014

My Favorite Citrus Cleaner

Just a quick post, today, as it's crazy around here this week! We have had lots of homeschool stuff going on, and I've been trying to wrap up my "month end" accounting for the daycare, AND I'm working on preparing all the "stuff" to have the business taxes done. This is the part of being self-employed that I hate more than anything... all the administrative/paperwork stuff! Seriously, it is not my forte, and I always feel stressed out and incompetent while muddling through it all.

Orange, clementine and lemon peels in vinegar,
waiting to become Homemade Citrus Spray Cleaner
But... in the midst of all this, I did take some time yesterday to start a new batch of my homemade citrus cleaner! I first wrote about this cleaner last April, but I figured I'd post a picture of my current batch-in-progress, along with a link, for those who may have missed it before. This is a good time of year to make this stuff, as citrus is in season, cheap and plentiful in the winter. And... how great to be able to make something useful out of something you would normally throw away?

I really do love this cleaner. It's especially great for cleaning the greasy, dirty stove top (something that needs to be done constantly here, as I do cook A LOT) But although it works really well, it's totally non-toxic, made entirely of things you could eat if you wanted to. Green, frugal and effective... my favorite combination.

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