Monday, August 27, 2012

DIY Nature Shelf

In the past, we have enjoyed having a special spot in our home to place seasonal treasures we find out in nature. But as we’ve reorganized our spaces, it fell by the wayside, and we haven’t had such a space for a couple of years.  Since we have recently been working on sprucing up our Homeschool Area for September, we decided it was time to bring back the Nature Shelf! 

We made this shelf out of an old piece of baseboard leftover from a previous home project, and some inexpensive brackets from the hardware store.  Ladybug painted the baseboard white with some leftover paint we had in the basement, and then I attached the brackets. Noodle measured how high we should hang the shelf (he wanted to make sure he could reach it easily!)  

In the frame is a quote from Aristotle: "In all things of Nature there is something of the Marvelous."
On the shelf we have all sorts of Summer Treasures: a bowl of small seashells, some beach rocks, a robin's eggshell, some larger seashells and a jelly jar of Summer flowers from our gardens.

We decided to hang the shelf underneath our Season Wall, which is where we display seasonal artwork, poems and projects.

As the seasons change, so will the items on our shelf! This will be a constantly-evolving display of Nature's Beauty; a place for us to share all the little treasures we collect when we are out and about... pretty rocks, leaves, flowers, fallen pine cones, etc. 

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