Oh. My.
Goodness. We are at mid-August, already! Summer is just flying by and will be
gone soon (Booo!) But the end of summer doesn’t just mean that beach days and s’mores
will be but a memory soon… it also means it’s time to get ready for the new
Homeschool Year! As much as I love the slower pace and fun times of Summer, there
is a little tiny part of me that looks forward to getting the kids back into
their regular routines and activities.
One other
positive thing about this time of year is that the start of the not-school year
forces me to clean out and organize our Homeschool cabinet, to get ready for a
new year of learning! As I mentioned in this post about containing kids’
clutter, I try my best to keep the kids’ storage areas well-organized so the
kids can always find what they need. That can be a challenge, with three kids
who are homeschooled and limited storage space! Here are the results of this
year’s homeschool cabinet clean-up:
The top two
shelves contain some science and social studies stuff. We don’t generally use
any kind of formal curriculum for these subjects, but instead prefer to just
provide plenty of materials and opportunities to explore and learn. In our cabinet,
we have a bunch of science kits, a microscope, a box of “Earth Treasures” which
we’ve collected (things like shells, dragonfly wings, a robin’s eggshell,
unusual rocks, etc) various books, maps, etc. We also have two shelves of
reference books in our living room, which the kids regularly pull out and
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Tote bags, for each child's daily work |
The next
shelf is where we keep each child’s daily work. We do use a formal curriculum
for Math and grammar/writing, so each child has a tote bag containing their own
daily work: their Math texts, workbooks, notebooks, etc. Ladybug is also studying Spanish, and Monkey
is studying Latin, so their bags contain the materials they use for that, as
well. We used to use baskets to keep their daily work in, but several years ago
we borrowed the idea to use totes from a fellow homeschoolin’ mama, and it’s
worked out really well for us. With the tote bags, the kids can take their work
to wherever they feel like sitting, whether it’s the big comfy chair in the
living room or out to the back porch.
The bottom
shelf contains all of our math stuff. Over the years, we’ve collected quite a
few math books, which are stored here. We cull these now and then, and get rid
of anything we don’t plan on using anymore. We also have various math
manipulatives (counting bears, place value blocks, scale and weights, dominoes,
etc) and tools (protractors, rulers, compasses, etc) stored in labeled boxes on
this shelf.
The drawers
underneath contain extra papers and supplies, kits, etc. Opposite this built-in cabinet, we have
another book case (pictured in this post) which stores all of our art and craft
supplies, and the kids’ computer. Although I often wish we had more space
available for our homeschool stuff, being limited to this small area of our
kitchen does help us to Keep it Simple, which is what we’re all about, these
days! We are forced to re-evaluate frequently, to make sure the items we have
are useful and relevant. This helps keep clutter at bay, and keeps the kids
from being overwhelmed by “ too much stuff.”
Soon, I plan
to post about managing the busy schedules that Autumn brings for a large
family, without feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. But for now… I’m going to
savor these last couple of weeks of Summer.
UPDATE, jANUARY 2014: After a big kitchen renovation, we have a BRAND NEW homeschool area! Check it out, here.
UPDATE, jANUARY 2014: After a big kitchen renovation, we have a BRAND NEW homeschool area! Check it out, here.
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