This time of year, mid-August, is when the garden REALLY kicks into high-gear! Just this week we've harvested tons of cukes, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, green and wax beans, kale, zucchini, summer squash, 3 kinds of peppers and beets. Here is what came in this morning:
Roma tomatoes, various Heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, beans cucumbers and basil, all fresh from the garden!
Lovely, no? Between the garden and our haul from our farm share, we are up to our ears in produce right now, which is a wonderful problem to have! Looks like today will be spent doing some canning and freezing for winter. I'm planning on freezing some green beans, canning some pickles, and turning those Romas into a batch of tomato-basil sauce, some of which will go on tonight's homemade pizza, and the rest of which will be frozen for later. If I have time, I will also be making a big pot of veggie soup to freeze for quick weeknight dinners.
On the topic on fresh veggies... we also got some kohlrabi from the farm share. For some reason, I've never tried it before! I love it when the farm share introduces me to something I might not have bothered to try on my own. So another one of my tasks today is to find a recipe or two for kohlrabi.
I'd better get cooking! :)
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